The first thing is to make sure all 3 monitors show up in windows properly. With 3 monitors hooked up, confirm you are utilizing all three monitors. Use the "Identify" function in your display settings to see the number assigned to each monitor. Note which number the HDMI monitor is.
Now in vMix.
1. Click on Settings in top right corner. You are now in the "Display" section
2. Under green DISPLAY 1 button in middle, click on the drop down menu to the right of word "Display".
3. Select the number that was displayed on the HDMI monitor in first step above. Then click on OK.
4. Add camera input or video input to vMix and make sure it is showing in OUTPUT window.
5. Click on FULLSCREEN dropdown menu located at top-center of vMix screen > Put mouse over DISPLAY1
6. Select what you want shown on DISPLAY1. You can map the Output, Preview, Multiview, or any active Input to the DISPLAY1. If you are wanting to show the vMix output on all the stadium monitors, then you will select OUTPUT.
7. After you have made your mapping select, click on the FULLSCREEN button itself. The button will turn green meaning the FULLSCREEN option is now on. IF you mapped "Output" in the previous step, then you now see the vMix Output on the HDMI Monitor.
8. Now that you know it is working, unplug the HDMI monitor and run and an HDMI cable from your video card to the HDMI switch input (which you said is about 12 meters from the PC). Here is a link to a 50' HDMI cable on Amazon for $14. higher versions of vMix will support 2 FULLSCREEN outputs where the basic versions will only support 1. But for what you are doing it sounds like you only need 1.
I hope this is clear and easy to understand.