Hi everyone,
So I've had a list of feature request for some time now, of which some have resolved themselves over time but some I really would like to see up for vote. So here I go:
- Setting fixed input number, not sequential to other inputs
I plan to use a Behringer BCF2000 mixer for controlling audio. It is possible to switch banks on this mixer so you can control more than 8 inputs. However, if you have 6 video inputs and 4 audio inputs, you will continually need to switch from bank 1 (inputs 1-8) to bank 2 (inputs 9-16) to control the audio inputs, which are on inputs 7-10)
- Transition easings (ease-in-out)
Especially the slide transitions would look nicer with an easing
- Frame drop warning (maybe something like a red dot/exclamation mark which stays in the status bar until you click it)
- Reset Slide show/PowerPoint timer interval when manually skipping through
- Shortcut layers/modifiers. Make a key do something else depending on whether another key is pressed as well.
I have an x-keys and I have a row of buttons for preview and for program. I also have some overlay keys programmed. Currently, when I push a key it will bring the input I currently have on preview to the desired overlay, but wouldn't it be cool to hold the overlay button and then push the input you'd like to toggle? Think of it like parameters for a shortcut. Instead of having to program a dedicated key for each function per input, you can program one key to be a function and press another to pass the right input to that function.
- Input name overlays in the legacy multiviewer, the layout of which I prefer
- Make an input non-switchable (only for use to fullscreen/external output or so you can't switch to audio inputs)
- Mirror the fullscreen/external output vertically and horizontally but not the recording and streaming
- Hide the preset new/load/save buttons top left in a menu
- More aux audio buses (especially useful for use with NDI, just send an audio line over ethernet!)
- Audio limiter
- Main window borderless/fullscreen (without title bar)
- Ability to change main window background color. I would like it to be darker
- It's not really important, but can the interface font be set to the same font of the screenshots on promotion materials (like
I like anti-aliased fonts better, but it is a personal preference.
What would also be really cool is to let vMix make an NLE-compatible XML file while MultiRecording with cuts and transitions. So you can import the xml into editing software with most cuts and transitions in place. The rest of the footage which wasn't recorded using an iso recording or has effects on them is taken from the program recording. This would kind of rely on starting/stopping recording and multirecorder at exactly the same time which could be difficult to do...
Thanks for your interest, I hope there are some viable ideas in there.