Sorry if I'm not in the right section.
I created for me a web interface with some function I needed, I would like to share it with you maybe can be useful for somebody.
here the html file you can use directly from internet
http://www.massimilianovolpini.com/vmix/vMix.htmlor the package you can download for offline use and to save your preset
http://www.massimilianovolpini.com/vmix/vmix.zipTo connect this page to the vMix program click on the menu button on top right of the page and insert the IP address as specified in vMix settings. There are 2 address form, in case you need to control 2 pc at the same time.
There are 3 different mode: Quick player, Programmer, Big Buttons.
The first one it's not so useful, but you can create a playlist very quickly writing the number sequence separated by a comma.
The second one is very helpful if you need a timeline with a prefixed list of media and effects
The third one is good for a touchscreen, you can configure button with media, effects, keyboard shortcut and colour.
when you are ready click the "Show Mode" button in the menu.
Because of the HTMl limitation it's not possible save the preset to a file, so clicking the Save file button it appears a code you must copy into the vMixSave.js file.
This is the file loaded when clicking on "Load file" button
feel free to try, the program it's not perfect, I did for fun but can be the first step for something more solid.
If any question just ask