David I hope you don't mind but I would like to echo your suggestions and add to your excellent input.
Key Component
I absolutely agree with David that Multiview is an important and critical element in any vmix production.
I also agree it could use some serious love and attention.
Multiview 2.0 Request1. Multiview LayoutThis has been mentioned so no need to dwell on it but better layout tools in order to improve the production quality is a big issue.
Yes we can all jump in and out of vmix to photoshop or affinity photo. But this is time consuming and if we have to make one small change in the layout and now we are jumping back out of vmix.
2. Correct Labels in PositionWhy in the world when we click on Multiview we see Each input name BUT when in POSITIOM the drop down changes to OVERLAY 1...10 ?
Why not Also display the Input name in the positioning menu instead of Overlay 1, 2, 3...?
3. ONE Multiview MenuIt is very inefficient and time consuming to have to jump back and forth between multiview and positioning.
Ideally combing Multiview menu with the positioning would make a log more sense.
I have attached a VERY rough mock up of just one way to combine multiview / positioning and layout effects.
- EVERYTHING on one quick easy to edit page.
- When you select position (which should be renamed to EDIT in this context it would put red border highlighting the object that is being edited.
- RENAME positioning labels. At least in the english version why can't the positioning say what it really is in human terms. Left, Right, Top, Bottom, etc.
- EFFECTS - Borders, Drop shadows, color, etc could also be this one page under effects.
- Someone asked for blur effect, there must be a graphics library that can be complied into this system to provide additional effects.
- CAUTION - I am NOT suggesting that vmix become a graphics editor. But a few basic tools would be appreciated. Maybe a plugin Architecture so third party tools could be use.
OUTSIDE BOX idea... Is there any way to integrate GT Designer into multiview or some interaction. There are a lot of the tools we are asking for in GT Designer so more than half the work has already been done there.
4.Multiview ContainerI will be up front and say this idea might not make sense or maybe there is another way to accomplish it but...
But what about a multiview container input that combines or bundles all of a Multiview elements into one object ?
In other words, having to add inputs for every single multiview element clutters up your monitor with dozens of little inputs. Logos, titles, bugs, etc. What about a NEW MULTIVEW input type that is a bundle of elements.
Maybe this is user error on my part but, If I accidentally move the wrong layer or make a mistake, why is there no CONTROL Z undo or Cancel ? The only option is to RESET or X which saves our mistake ?

multiview 2.0.png
(533kb) downloaded 13 time(s).