Originally Posted by: sinc747 
Originally Posted by: spinfold 
While it's only limited to the 8 vMixCalls available, I have setup a system where the 8 can be individually put into a greenroom (where they can freely chat with others placed there) or put live (where they hear mix minus). This involves quite a lot of audio changes for each switch, but it works and is very flexible.
You are to be commended for figuring out how to set up your own greenroom.
But what if you needed to implement this in vMix on a different PC with a different preset. Imagine all vMix inputs are different sources, different vMix Call passwords, different audio source.
All of you hard work setting up your greenroom on PC #1 does not easily port over to PC #2. Especially if you are new to vMix.
- Tom
Here's the "from memory" version - will double check the exact setup when I'm back in the studio next week and correct/add as necessary.
(PS - I did say this was complex, no it's not for the faint hearted novices!)
Code:- Bus A = OnAir
- Bus G = GreenRoom
- All vCalls routed to Bus A, and NOT to Master
- Bus A routed to Master
Code:- Actions:
--- Turn off automix for vCall1
--- Turn on audio for vCall1
--- Turn off Bus A for vCall1
--- Turn on Bus G for vCall1
--- Set vCall1 audio return to Bus G
--- (Optionally, change vCall1 video return to a different output)
- Feedback:
--- If vCall1 is routed to Bus G, light up
Code:- Actions:
--- Turn on automix for vCall1
--- Turn off Bus G for vCall1
--- Turn on Bus A for vCall1
--- Set vCall1 audio return to Bus A
--- (Optionally, set vCall1 video return to a different output)
- Feedback:
--- If vCall1 is routed to Bus A, light up
You'll notice that on the way back into live, we don't put the audio live again (despite forcing it on when going into green room). So, you'll need to put them back on air another way - by cutting them to line again and letting automix do its thing.
Copy those two buttons to work for all 8 vCallers, and you're done.
You can also setup a button which routes a microphone on and off Bus G, so that a producer can talk to anyone else in green room.
If you want to add the ability for interruptible talkback on top of this, there are two ways.
Without using another bus:
Either use the GR/Live buttons you've setup above to put the guest into green room, talk via the mic routed to Bus G, then push them back to live. Or, have separate buttons which allows the mic to temporarily go to Bus G, and the caller's audio return to be Bus G, then reset it/put caller return back to Bus A on release of the button. For extra cleverness you could work out whether they need to go back to Bus A or G upon release (ie which mode they were in before you started talking to them) by using Companion's custom variables. This method does mean that everyone in the green room will also hear the producer, and the guest would also hear a snatch of any green room conversation happening at the time, but doesn't tie up another bus.
A cleaner way, but which does need an extra bus spare, is to setup say Bus C. The producer's microphone would be constantly routed to Bus C, which is not routed to anywhere else so can't be heard on air. When you want to speak to someone, simply set their audio return to be Bus C. You can use Companion custom variables in the same way to return them to Bus A or G upon button release.
If you have VTs, other live sources, music, etc which you want your guests to hear, these should also be routed to Bus A and routed OFF Master. Otherwise, when the guests are in OnAir mode, they will only hear each other. MixMinus will still work so no danger of them hearing themselves.
Hope all this makes sense.