Let me explain....I was trying to write a script to fade to black, with all audio sourses fading at the same time, then audio off at the end of the fade, and all players paused.....I have other scripts that do cross fades and other functions, and the reversals...... but I needed this for a production, as I do not want to use the FTB in vmix... I want to have many functions happening at the same time, and then I want to have a reversal of the same, to fade up from a black screen, with other functions fading up at the same time.....I ended up using triggers, but even though that works, and was not difficult to do, I would prefer a script, using the type of code I posted.....any help would be very helpful.....
Here is a script I use to do a cross fade...I have since added more lines of script for other functions.and also did a reversal of this script, and it works ok for what I am doing....I want to add a fade to black to this, where Black is a colour input (e.g. input 7)
Function=SetVolumeFade&Input=Audio Digital Audio Interface&Value=85,6000
Function=SetVolumeFade&Input=PLAYER 1&Value=0,6000
Function=SetVolumeFade&Input=PLAYER 2&Value=0,6000
Function=SetVolumeFade&Input=PLAYER 3&Value=0,6000
I also use the FTB for streaming, where I would slowly fade to black, sleep for 10 secs., then stop stream, stop recording, all at the same time....like I said, the triggers work perfect, but I want to use a script, so I can transfer to other systems, as I can not find a way to export the triggers, and do not want to have to write everything all over each time I use a different PC.....