Originally Posted by: lbgaus 
It is a legitimate complaint to air if someone feels like they see a lot of smaller feature requests that have been in the forums go unaddressed for so long.
I don't think it's possible for me to disagree with this statement more.
No software developer needs to even accept feature requests. The fact that vMix not only accepts them but pays attention to them puts them ahead of the crowd.
Not to mention that the average person has no idea what implementing their "smaller feature request" will actually entail or how many elements of the program are contingent upon other elements of the program.
That small tweak probably isn't that small at all.
There are also a lot of feature requests that are outside the scope (or even contrary to) what vMix exists to do. I'm pretty sure others I've seen aren't even possible to implement.
Unless they remove a feature you're dependent upon, your options are to buy & use it if it suits your needs or make a feature request, then find another program if it's not implemented.
If you've already bought it, then, unless they take a feature, then it still functions just as good as the day you bought it. If you bought it expecting that they'll implement your feature request, well... That wasn't very smart.
Either way, there's no world in which whining that they won't implement whatever features you want them to implement is a valid option at all.
Originally Posted by: lbgaus 
I think it's important we air our frustrations constructively
Why exactly do you feel it's important to air your frustrations at all?
If there's a Feature Request in the Feature Request forum, they read it. They know people want it. They know they didn't implement it yet.
Complaining about it isn't telling them anything they don't already know.
Originally Posted by: lbgaus 
keep focused on a strategy to guide the conversation in a direction that sees a resolution.
There is a resolution. It's the same resolution that's been available for years. It's called "Make the feature request, then, while you wait, either use the program as it currently exists or find another product that suits your needs".
I have no idea what other "resolution" you seem to think you're entitled to or that vMix will provide.
I've made several feature requests & +1'ed even more. I might be a bit disappointed when they aren't implemented with each release, but I'm not going around throwing a hissy fit about it. Especially since, if you actually look through the Feature Requests forum, you'll see that, when they are implemented, it usually takes years after they're made.
I want to say I saw one that was pretty popular around 2015 that got implemented in v22 or 23.
Originally Posted by: lbgaus 
I am going to kindly request some of the stuff like the additional shortcuts & API info/commands mentioned earlier be added in a minor release after 25 is shipped.
Feature Request forum is right here--post to your heart's content.