Originally Posted by: DWAM 
H.264 4:2:2 is not natively supported by NVENC HW encodes but 4:4:4 is
https://developer.nvidia...m/nvidia-video-codec-sdkYou can verify this very easily :
Code:ffmpeg -h encoder=nvenc
>> Supported pixel formats: yuv420p nv12 p010le yuv444p p016le yuv444p16le bgr0 rgb0 cuda d3d11
For libx264
ffmpeg -h encoder=libx264
>> Supported pixel formats: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21 yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le nv20le gray gray10le
You might want to try to add your own recording settings (for 4:4:4) for FFMPEG/NVENC in the ffmpegformats.xml file under the streaming folder of vMix installation folder.
I think vMix AVI codec will do it but on CPU only AFAIK with same quality as ProRes or DNxHD but less resource hungry.
This is what is in my ffmpegformats.xml file, what and where would I add the above code you are mentioning?
Thanks so much in advance!!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extension type="mpegts" ext=".ts" name="Transport Stream (.ts)"/>
<extension type="mpeg" ext=".mpg" name="Program Stream (.mpg)"/>
-<video codec="mpeg2video">
-<audio codec="mp2">
<command>-pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec {video_codec} -maxrate:v {video_bitrate} -minrate:v {video_bitrate} -b:v {video_bitrate} -acodec {audio_codec} -b:a {audio_bitrate} -f {extension_type}</command>
<name>MP4 x264 AAC</name>
<extension type="mp4 -movflags frag_keyframe" ext=".mp4" name="MP4"/>
<extension type="mp4" ext=".mp4" name="MP4 (Indexed)"/>
-<video codec="libx264">
-<audio codec="libfaac">
<command>-pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec {video_codec} -preset:v veryfast -profile:v main -b:v {video_bitrate} -acodec {audio_codec} -b:a {audio_bitrate} -f {extension_type}</command>
<name>MP4 x264 AAC Superfast</name>
<extension type="mp4 -movflags frag_keyframe" ext=".mp4" name="MP4"/>
<extension type="mp4" ext=".mp4" name="MP4 (Indexed)"/>
-<video codec="libx264">
-<audio codec="libfaac">
<command>-pix_fmt yuv420p -vcodec {video_codec} -preset:v superfast -profile:v baseline -b:v {video_bitrate} -acodec {audio_codec} -b:a {audio_bitrate} -f {extension_type}</command>
<name>MP4 NVENC AAC</name>
<extension type="mp4 -movflags frag_keyframe" ext=".mp4" name="MP4"/>
<extension type="mp4" ext=".mp4" name="MP4 (Indexed)"/>
-<video codec="nvenc">
-<audio codec="libfaac">
<command>-vcodec {video_codec} -pix_fmt:v nv12 -preset:v llhq -b:v {video_bitrate} -acodec {audio_codec} -b:a {audio_bitrate} -f {extension_type}</command>
<extension type="mov -movflags frag_keyframe" ext=".mov" name="MOV"/>
<extension type="mov" ext=".mov" name="MOV (Indexed)"/>
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<bitRate name="LT">1</bitRate>
<bitRate name="SQ">2</bitRate>
<bitRate name="HQ">3</bitRate>
-<audio codec="pcm_s16le">
<command>-vcodec {video_codec} -profile:v {video_bitrate} -acodec pcm_s16le -f {extension_type}</command>
<extension type="mov -movflags frag_keyframe" ext=".mov" name="MOV"/>
<extension type="mov" ext=".mov" name="MOV (Indexed)"/>
<extension type="mxf" ext=".mxf" name="MXF"/>
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<bitRate name="75 720 29.97p">75M</bitRate>
<bitRate name="90 720 25p 24p">90M</bitRate>
<bitRate name="60 720 25p 24p">60M</bitRate>
-<audio codec="pcm_s16le">
<command>-vcodec {video_codec} -b:v {video_bitrate} -acodec pcm_s16le -f {extension_type}</command>