Originally Posted by: grantcoll 
This is an interesting subject, and I think we would all welcome some expert advice. According to amazon link above, the following are planned for the future:
But also of interest, and which vMix has partial capability is SRT. Haivision (developers) have been doing testing around the world, showing how SRT compares to RTMP. They don't compare it with HLS.
I've been using SRT for a while and have to say it's improvement of RTMP. Mostly because the latency is "set" and video "fixed" when packets are lost via the overhead in the SRT protocol. While not technically faster than RTMP, it has error correction and can tolerate packet loss. How much packet-loss largely depends on how you set the latency (in milliseconds), plus the overhead bandwidth which by default is usually around 20% and doesn't need modification.
I think SRT is a great protocol for me fantastic to get video to the streaming server (my server supports it). Between streaming servers (again supported), so you can build your own CDN with reliable latency.
For now it's not a last mile protocol. So from the streaming server to the client, not really popular/useful. That might change.
I wish Youtube and Facebook would accept it, but for now I "republish" via RTMP(S) from our servers.
Vmix SRT --> Cloud Server with heaps of bandwidth --> Clients via SLDP with HLS fallback on Apple devices.
With your Cloud server, you can host that in a VPS, it can then use SRT from the closest server, to distribute to the other servers strategically placed closer to your viewers and with SRT of course you control the latency.
Cloud Server #1 might be in Australia --> SRT (200ms fixed latency) Cloud Server #2 in Singapore --> Viewer hitting Singapore server.
And of course you can rent as many cloud servers as you like and host them at virtually any VPS provider. Linux skills would be required to roll your own solution like that. I use Nimble Streaming Server, but I believe Wowza can do it too.
For Joe Average not interested in becoming a Linux Server Administrator, will be great when Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, everyone supports SRT ingest.
The next logical step is then native SRT playback in web browsers and phones, so that you can control Streaming Server --> Client latency/quality as well.
Not saying to not add HLS encoding to VMix, but I wouldn't use it and I think long term SRT has a very bright future. HLS has very wide client end support, virtually everything can play it without fancy app downloads or proprietary clients. I hope SRT dissolves the need for HLS, but for now HLS support might be useful because the protocol is simply SO popular with CDNs.