Originally Posted by: spino Thank you doggy. I already saw that video but there isn't the solution to my problem there.
"I want this"
"This is not possible, by design, as intended"
"But I want it, cause else I have to do it by hand."It seems you are locked in your approach of the desired outcome. Since it is vMix the trick is to realize your outcome can probably be achieved by using a different approach or route.
And though lately the first response of many people in that situation seems to 'demand a new feature', wouldn't it be great if instead of waiting till they grow old, they grew as a person and operator?
First step is to accept there might be a very good reason why things are even like this. (This really works out in life in general).
You said you watched the video, let's point to the relevant point you might have missed :
One important thing to note-
no automatic functionsFor example in this case the possible confusion that transitions in your mix-input can influence the behavior of the input while it is used in your main mix.
Undesirable outcome averted, by making it not too easy to eff stuff up.
Let's make some effort to achieve that !
So that is why this feature is not there, if you want a better answer, all I can do is
transcript Tim from the video around the second or third time he mentioned shortcuts :
"You gonna have to sit down and think about how you are going to control the inputs when you are using them as a part of a Mix-input."
As in "you" have to put in the work.
" It's not that it is not possible,
it is just not possible the way you want."Quote:In the Tim video, the shortcuts are set for main mix (in shortcut "playpause" and "audio" there isn't the option to select mix2).
Well shortcuts (and triggers) are usually set for inputs, and assuming you want to start the video that you have as a separate input?
But since you saw the video you also caught the mention of shortcuts and triggers having a
So you can even target your Mix-input with shortcuts.
Quote:Tomorrow I'll try to go on for a solution but I'm pessimist.
That's the spirit, well at least half of it !
More in general I reckon this is not so much a well designed and thought out Feature Request as a simple first cry for help in starting out with shortcuts.
Though I guess that goes for a lot of these feature requests I see lately.
A feature request is not something that will be picked up and implemented in days or weeks ( or even years if it's a bad one ).
Thinking that creating a (minimal, short, unfounded & incomplete) feature request will solve a persons little own hill they are not willing to take an hour to solve is saying a lot on how people approach their use of vMix and this forum.
And though I (honestly) would love a trigger on Mix-inputs [ OnMixInputTransition or something to that order ] I think getting to a solution that will help me out today is a lot more gratifying then a FR topic.
[/rant over]
- What do you want to achieve by using a mix input?
- How do you use this Mix input, back into your mainMix or out to a separate output/fullscreen.
- Are you using 4 separate video inputs , or a video list with 4 video's ?
Quick throw at what you possibly might want to achieve with your shortcuts :
- Select a input as preview for your Mix-input.
- Play the video
- Transition the Mixinput to get your video input shown
( or if you get really nifty, get dynamic inputs involved )