Thank you for the kind replies!
I tried some of the solutions above and they all work to a certain degree for our specific use case.
As it stands, my workflow with my Technical director involves going out of my GPU into his capture card, which I fullscreen in vMix to play VTR pieces and replay reels. The end goal is to get this timecode to appear in his OBS, which acts as the main switcher (preferably) as a text source, rather than a video capture source.
I am unable to take it as an overlay in vmix as what's showing on my program out is what will go to our live show. (Unless there's a way I can send a second output without it being a fullscreen?)
Based on the feedback above what I can do is:
1. Have a second fullscreen output from my GPU into the video router of the cropped timecode and send that to be taken as a video source to overlay in his multiview. This works, but it's still using a video source and I would imagine it would stress out the CPU more than a text source.
2. Based on jkones9999's suggestion, importing the vmix API as an XML seems like the best solution, mostly I'd need to code a custom html overlay that pulls from what it puts on the server that checks every second what the state of each piece is, and display the position /1000 based on what piece is active or not. Which, to be fair I'd need to just hit up the lab and start coding that for our specific workflow!
<input key="abab3844-7d4a-4cb3-9716-a1f073ef012c" number="1" type="Video" title="Koolaidman.mp4" state="Paused" position="48782" duration="79445" loop="False" muted="True" volume="100" balance="0" solo="False" audiobusses="M" meterF1="0" meterF2="0">
<overlay index="0" key="d6677071-fb8d-46cf-9faa-8a7b764c7b05"/>
<input key="fe674ca2-baca-469f-a1f6-889f67f81f67" number="5" type="Video" title="Noawareness.mp4" state="Paused" position="4037" duration="34539" loop="False" muted="True" volume="100" balance="0" solo="False" audiobusses="M" meterF1="0" meterF2="0">Noawareness.mp4</input>
<input key="249d2fe6-22ee-497e-8924-e5f6cfcbc5c4" number="6" type="Replay" title="REPLAY - A" state="Running" position="40767" duration="71133" loop="False" muted="False" volume="100" balance="0" solo="False" audiobusses="M" meterF1="0.07995605" meterF2="0.0802002">
3. raugert's app is very interesting, but I notice at times it frose and I'd have to hit Enter on the IP again to refresh it. I'll need to play around with it more to see what solution works best but this is definatley very neat and could be useful playback needs to be checked remotely at the venue.
Again, thank you everyone for the replies, I've definitely learned a lot on this and appreciate your help quite a bit!
Is there a way to get a unique input key for when a replay reel is ran on the API? As it stands, comparing two files for when I do run a reel, and when I don't have a reel active, there is nothing on the API that states a timecode of the duration left on a replay reel.
However, Vmix clearly shows the duration of the timecode left on the replay reel, under the program monitor, so it exists, but it doesn't push it out to the API. Is there any way to extrapolate this data?
If I'm able to access this data somewhere, then I can build a custom overlay and solve the problem for my usecase.