@stardancer, some more interesting? feedback. I guess that these issues more geared for the kind of crazy cross productions we would like to do (more of). Meaning, we are using both the Receiver and the Publisher at the same PC.
Start Output for a Source in the Receiver, and it becomes listed in the Publisher as a Source. Stop the Output in the Receiver, and it is still listed in the Publisher. Bug?
It is difficult to identify the NDI sources in a cross production where vMix is used for one PC at each location. Consider the following, with PC "Event" used at a remote event, and "Studio" somewhere else for additional production (in our case to add sign interpretation).
At the Event vMix's External2 is used to output to NDI (to send the productions Output to the Studio)
Event Publisher lists it as Source "vMix - Output 2"
In the Studio vMix's External2 is used to output to NDI (to send the sign interpreter to the Event)
Studio Publisher lists it as Source "vMix - Output 2"
Studio Receiver lists Event's NDI as Source "vMix - Output 2"
Start Publish that Source to NDI, and it is identified in vMix as "vMix - Output 2 (2)"
Furthermore, it is listed as a Source in the Studio's Publisher as "vMix - Output 2 (2)"
Event Receiver lists Studio's NDI as Source "vMix - Output 2"
Start Publish that Source to NDI, and it is identified in vMix as "vMix - Output 2 (2)"
Furthermore, it is listed as a Source in the Event's Publisher as "vMix - Output 2 (2)"
Please consider adding a PC identifier that leads the source name. For example use the Publisher ID as the default name, with an option to change it to something operator defined. That is, instead of "vMix - Output 2" have "Event vMix - Output 2". Meanwhile, I have posted a
Feature request in vMix's forum to have operator defined names for its NDI Outputs. For example, instead of "vMix - Output 2" have "Studio Sign Interpreter".