Hi everybody,
as talked on
this post I just want to quote a bit of Thomas ideas on how the vmix replay system should react/interact:
1. "auto disable live mode" -> disable automatic the live mode if you go one frame back (by jog), scratch in the timeline or selecting a event.
Absolutely, that´s the way, nothing else! Together with your second post, if you hit the live button you are at live position in your recording, so it´s like E/E mode in old VTR world
2. if you have marked a event in the list, reset the IN and OUT point by using the in and out button.
On EVS it´s once you load a clip (it´s how they call an event), you are automatically at the In-point and can just job back or for and hit "Mark In" again in order to set this new In-point. The "Mark Out" button has a shift function (same with the "Mark In"), so press Shift+Out jumps directly to the out point, jog back or for and set your new Out-point. So I think you don´t really need to delete an In/Out at all, you just want to set a new one.
3. independent operating at chanel A,B and A+B like the NewTek 3Play
Already mentioned the more common PGM/PVW mode: Standard is you control both outputs, jog to a good In-point for your replay, press "PVW" button, the PGM stays at your In-point waiting for your lever to start that replay - while you can jog with your PVW channel to a different angle or position on your recording. If you want to play your PGM replay just move the lever (T-bar), and if you´re finished press "Take" and your PVW replay switches/fades/wipes (changeable in Settings on the EVS) to the PGM output. And you´re still in PVW so you can easily cue up the next replay while PGM output is still playing out your second replay clip.
4. if you enable the live mode display the selected camera at the selected output.
Yep, same as under 1., it´s like E/E mode
5. Events with undefined out point, so that the operator of the vision mixer can cut. (if you use the vMix as replay system only)
Yep, same here, no need for any In or Out point, just roll back to where you want to be, drag your T-bar and start replaying as long as you wish to
6. manual sorted event list (not sorted by time code) or sorted event list with seperat clip list for replay (like 3Play, sorry ;) )
Yep, same here, sort your clips like you want to. There should really be single clips AND playlist which contains clips, in the order you put them in your playlist. So you could easily just cue a clip (which might not even be part of any playlist).
On thing your the jog wheel, it should work as smooth as possible, by changing the speed you turn the job the faster you scrub through your recording. If you really want to go fast - on EVS you have a button called "Fast Job" which is X times faster than normal job speed. And there´s an easy "Go to TC" where you enter the timecode and your playhead jumps to that position. Easy if somebody shout "Second goal was at around 7:30pm" Hopefully not 7:30am, that´s not the time I like to work.... :-)
Hope that helps to bring light into that....