Originally Posted by: mlatta 
It will allow users that are not very advanced in what server information they need to add to the Custom Servers tab which is similar information to YouTube and other CDNs that VMix has already put in their destination tabs by default.
But given that it's only available to those with a specific license, do you not think it'd cause issues when those same people who are incapable of copying/pasting basic server information wonder why it doesn't work, if they don't have the correct license?
While vMix has gotten better recently--really recently--with trusting their users to not cause issues for themselves, they'd historically (and still do) put a lot of emphasis on implementing things in a way that doesn't result in numerous support tickets from users who don't know what buttons they're clicking.
And the first line of your explanation is that your feature request is that those are the users it's designed to benefit.
If you want this implemented, that's a hurdle you have to overcome.
It's not enough to just say "I want this"--they also expect an explanation of why existing mechanisms are inadequate.
I'll also point out that a number of the destination tabs behave differently than what you'd get copying/pasting server information.
Facebook, for example, takes you live as soon as you click the button. Copying and pasting the server information requires interaction with a Facebook page to actually go live.
Originally Posted by: mlatta 
The VMix user, if the server information would be added to the destination tab, would just need to get the appropriate RTMP Ingest stream key, should they have access, or have to ask their client to give them the appropriate stream key to use for the Zoom Session / Zoom Events Webinar.
So you want it to actually integrate with Zoom and use the user's account to verify the license check on Zoom's end.
This is a crucial part of your feature request that you never gave & I had to ask you twice to get.
Originally Posted by: mlatta 
If no one is using the current list of CDNs in the destination tabs, then it may be better for the team at VMix to remove all of the destinations and have the user just key in all of the destinations manually that they need to use. I'm OK with that as well.
How do you figure?
Ignoring the fact that you just changed your entire feature request in the above paragraph from your original "Add this server to the list of choices" to "Implement a Zoom integrated license check that propagates the proper server information upon verifying the user is eligible to use this server & return a Zoom specific error message if they aren't", I don't see how vMix could know what destinations people are using, nor do I see how removing unused destinations is less work than not doing anything.
But when API changes are made, vMix has removed (temporarily or permanently) streaming destinations before.
It's nice to know you're ok with that. I'm sure we were all waiting with bated breath to find out how mlatta feels about vMix developers removing streaming destinations that mlatta doesn't see the point in.
Originally Posted by: mlatta 
I hope this satisfies your enquiry about the differences.
It's not
me you have to satisfy.
I don't work for vMix. I have no say if this gets any dev time or not.
I do, however, pay enough attention to this forum to see which types of requests meet that bar and which don't, and, if I feel up to it, as a courtesy, I'll ask the questions that should've been answered in the first place to try to help people meet that bar.
Considering that it wasn't until I asked--twice--that you provided a request that actually overcomes one of the biggest hurdles in vMix feature request implementation (a desire to save the users from themselves & presumably cut down on support requests from users who have no business trying certain things wondering why they don't work), I'm glad I was able to help you out.
You're welcome.
(You'll also notice that I'm one of the only people keeping your 9 day old thread with no +1s, requesting a feature most have never even heard of & can't use, on the front page to attract more attention. Again, you're welcome.)