Here's an easy way to do it
- setup a regular recording in vMix using FFMPEG (for example with Indexed MP4 NVENC AAC which uses GPU)
- using this preset, record something during few seconds
- go to your recording folder, you should find your record and its log file
- open this log file, you will see sthg like :
ffmpeg started on 2017-01-09 at 19:11:52
Report written to "E:\vMixStorage\capture-20170109-19-11-52.mp4.log"
Command line:
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\vMix\\streaming\\ffmpeg.exe" -report -y -f asf -i "\\\\.\\pipe\\dd7f8abb-a490-4440-a8ad-256cd01549ea" -r 25 -vcodec nvenc -pix_fmt:v yuv420p -preset:v llhq -b:v 8M -acodec libfaac -b:a 192k -f mp4 "E:\\vMixStorage\\capture-20170109-19-11-52.mp4"
ffmpeg version 2.8.git Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
You now have a model to write your own command line where YOU MUST CHANGE at least
- the device to use (here '-f asf' to be replaced by '-f dshow')
- the input parameter (here '-i with a pipe' to be replaced by vMix virtual devices)
- the output parameter (the name and location for the recording)
On your desktop, create a new TXT file, rename it to "MyRecorder.cmd" for instance
Right-click on it > edit and write on the first line
@echo off
then copy and paste the FFMPEG command line you found previously
for the device parameter use dshow instead of asf
for selecting the right inputs use -i video="vMix Video":audio="vMix Audio"
and finally indicate name and location for the file to record
(You may also need to specify a value for RealTimeBuffering: -rtbuffsize)
Your script file should be sthg like:
@echo off
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\vMix\\streaming\\ffmpeg.exe" -report -y -f dshow -i video="vMix Video":audio="vMix Audio" -r 25 -vcodec nvenc -pix_fmt:v yuv420p -preset:v llhq -b:v 8M -acodec libfaac -b:a 192k -f mp4 "DRIVE:\\FOLDER\\my-2nd-rec.mp4"
Save this file.
Launch vMix, set and activate the EXTERNAL output and send some signal to PROGRAM
Double-click your new script MyRecorder.cmd
To stop it press Ctrl+C then Yes
For more information :'s it ! Have fun !