Many thanks for this reply Martin
Quote:The switchable virtual input idea is close to what you can do with the blank virtual set template.
Add it and select the Setup tab to quickly switch in and out any input to one of the 5 layers.
Yes I have already done this using blank virtual set (and this is what inspired me for the new input type) but:
- it takes a long time to setup
- its only use case is reduced to multiview
- it cannot be routed to EXTERNALS, nor to be seen as an NDI source
- it doesn't handle audio independently
Quote:The SetMultiViewOverlay shortcut can also change these inputs (or any inputs setup on a particular input)
Also tried this but shortcuts are convenient when you always produce the same type of content with a regular setup.
As far as I'm concerned (I guess I'm not the only one), I never do twice the same project: I can do a musical concert one day, then a political congress, then a surgery operation, then a corporate conference, then a TV show on an exhibition venue... Sometimes I must feed big screens on stage (without video loops), sometimes TV monitors for on stage monitoring with various input feeds for talents, sometimes I use 1 single vMix or several ones. Sometimes I have 3 cams, the next day I have 7. So trying to use shortcuts for so many different setups and workflows is more confusing than convenient.
I even bought an Akai Mini to try to simplify this, but it's even worse. We need to visualize what we do.
Besides shortcuts are not a solution for the cons above either.
Quote:so really the question is how to make this easier to control live.
I gave 2 suggestions for this at #4 preference would go to what you did for NDI sources > right-click on the virtual input + select. Quick, efficient and won't use extra room.
Besides with triggers, we could define scenarios (especially for big screens on stage), i.e.:
- when I choose cam1 (for program) I want cam2 on stage (to avoid loops)
Quote:One idea I have considered is adding a "Matrix" tab, that has buttons for every possible routing configuration.
I.E there would be rows for the four outputs (Fullscreen 1, Fullscreen 2, Recording, External 2)
but it could also have selectable input rows, where you can see the MultiView (or M/E) selections for a particular input and switch them using the buttons.
Sounds good... Yep the matrix concept is underlying.
Where would this "tab" be ?
Would it allow to be used on demand (once configured) without opening global or inputs "settings"?
Could it manage audio routing (with mix-minus - what I suggested by associating with A or B bus only) aswell?
I'm not sure I "clearly and exactly" see what you mean, but maybe other guys will. Let's talk about this all together...
Maybe I should draw a worflow synoptic for easier communication (my english is not good enough for expressing or getting every subtleties)
BTW thank you very much for your interest
Bien à toi,