With Shortcuts, there are title and description fields by virtue of being displayed in the Web Controller.
On Activators, there are no such fields.
This can be problematic, especially as it relates to the Stream Deck.
The Stream Deck keys are assigned based on device, key, profile, and page, and the name of the key looks like "CC0BE" (to use one from one of Tim's vMix Stream Deck YouTube tutorials).
The problem is that the key number and the activator are the only things shown in the menu, but nothing about it actually has user identifiable information about which device/profile/page/key it is.
If you're like me, you have multiple identical activators across different keys across multiple profiles, because stuff like "Record" or "Stream" indicators are useful in a variety of situations.
But there's no way to tell from anything in vMix which key (in usability terms) any particular activator is tied to, which makes changing or deleting them a lot more of a process than it otherwise would be.
If there were a title/description/notes field, it'd allow the user to tell from within vMix what's what on selection from the list, without needing to go through the whole key find process every time a change needs to be made.
It'd also allow users like me, who don't keep Stream Decks connected and only bring them out when they're necessary to create and assign a number of "dummy" profiles at once, then tinker with them in advance, as needed, without needing to, again, pull out the devices and go through the key find process. Instead, I could just create profiles of vMix keys, go through the process once, then label them in the software as "Profile X, Column Y, Row Z", set them to "None" or "Default", and then assign them if/when it becomes necessary without needing to physically connect the Stream Deck every time I want to make a change.