When I started to play with GT I realized that now might be the time to ask for an old dream of mine.
In order to illustrate what I mean I made a hack in order to create a d
emo video of this feature.
Even though it apparantly is possible to create an app to do this via the API, I believe that's not a feasable approach for practical reasons. Mainly becuase from outside vMix it is generally impossible to know where the mouse is relative to the interesting area of vMix's GUI. Hence, this type of feature needs to be implemented within vMix.
So far my thoughts sort of lands in the Shortcuts briefly listed below. The basic idea is that if you double-click in the video frame, a pre-defined destonation is first positioned and then imposed on the video. Double-click because right-click is already used, and single left-click I believe is too dangerouse (operator mistake). Video frame can be either in the Preview or the Output in vMix's Main Window or those in the MultiView output. Pre-defined destination can be any available Input or a layer in a MultiView Input.
PositionByMouseSource: Defines the source frame area for SetPositionByMouse Value
Value = None (disable the function), MainWindowPreview, MainWindowOutput, MultiViewPreview, MultiViewOutput
PositionByMouseOverlay: Defines which overlay to toggle when PositionByMouse is used Value, Input
Value = None, Overlay1, Overlay2, Overlay3, Overlay4
PositionByMouseDestination: Sets PanX/Y from mouse double-click X/Y position relatively in the currently selected source Value, Input
Value = Main, Overlay1, Overlay2, ...Overlay10
I have probebly overlooked many things, and other users may have better ideas. Still, I hope you like the idea and that you will help to refine it.
EDIT: Added "None" to the list of Values for PositionByMouseOverlay