Hello All,
In my production setup at our church I´m using a midi controller (launchpad mini) as a small hardware mixer.
This allows me to send different content via vMix to an Stream/Recording and to the main projector.
Unfortunately this solution has some disadvantages. The controller only offers 8 channels, which is a little to less for our setup.
Also with the workaround for sending different content to the different outputs (I´m using overlay channel 1/2 for stream and overlay 3/4 for projector, that way I can send different content with shortcuts from the midi controller and also have activators to show what inputs are currently active) I am not able to use any transistions in my production, every transistion will just be cut.
Also I would like to have some of the core vMix features directly quick accessible through a hardware controller.
So I decided to design my own vMix optimized midi controller.

The whole design of the controller is somewhat alligned to the setup of a digital audio mixing console, since I came from the audio world before discovering vMix.
All Buttons have background ilumination that can be controlled through vMix activators, or will be controlled directly from the controller when there is no activator available for the function.
There a 16 "channel strips".
Each channel offers a Preview/Select Button. This Button will send the input to preview and select this channel for the "advanced configuration" section of the controller.
There is a Program Button for each channel that will directly cut this input to Program.
The Aux Button will send the input to the "Fullscreen 2" output, or to an external output. Since there is no activator available for those outputs the controller will handle the illumination of the buttons by itself.
The Mute Button will turn on/off audio for the channel.
There is a small LED display for each channel (1 display shared for 2 channels) that shows the input name and shows the current audio level in a small bar graph.
In the "Aux" section the user can select which output is currently controlled by the Aux buttons.
It also offers the possibility to activate "AUX follow program" mode, where the Aux bus will mirror the output of the program bus. This is the only possibility to have transitions for the AUX busses (if someone knows an other solution please tell me).
The transisition section offers a linear fader for transisitions as well as for direct tranisition buttons and the possibility to assign different transisitions to the fader.
That´s how far I´ve come with my functionality so far.
At the moment I´m working on the housing for the controller and when that´s finished I will upload a small video to show the functionality of the controller in detail.
The whole "advanced configuration" panel in the upper half of the controller is currently not implemented, I will add features there from time to time when all basic functionality is running.
Please tell me what you think of the concept, and where you see problems.
I would like to hear what ideas you would also have for the "advanced configuration" panel. Currently I´m planning an audio control panel, a color correction panel, a multiview control panel and a general configuration flag panel.
I´m sorry if a lot of stuff was not clear in my explanations. I´ve been working on the controller for a while now and am excited to share my progress with you.
Hopefully some of you will like my ideas and have some additional ideas for improvement.
Greez Yannick