Originally Posted by: sinc747 
The OCR does not need to interpret every character in the alphabet, just ten numerals.
If you want the timer/clock you keep mentioning, it’d also need to identify the colon and it’d need to be able to identify everything Iin less than 1ms to maintain sync.
What’s the point of showing a timer/clock if the buzzer hits when the viewer still sees time left?
And the only way any two clocks will ever maintain constant sync is if one is giving orders to the other or both are getting orders from the same source.
That’s a lot more complicated than you seem to think it is.
Otherwise, your viewers will hear the buzzer and see time left on the clock (albeit milliseconds) and wonder what the heck is going on.
Originally Posted by: sinc747 
If this is so doable that you’re screaming it at us, why has nobody done it?
In this day and age where pretty much every production entity is getting into the live streaming space, the OBS community is full of people developing plugins and such that are begged for over here, and GitHub is full of free & open source software, why doesn’t this cheap and lightweight program exist?
If it’s truly as simple as you’re telling about, why have none of those people built it yet?
Heck, why haven’t
If you’re going to scream at everyone about how it’s “VERY SIMPLE!!!!!!!!”, I assume you can build it. So do it.
The vMix API allows for setting title text with third party applications and data sources. NDI provides a simple mechanism for bringing text in from third party programs.
So, do it. If you’re going to scream your head off about it being super easy to do, nobody is stopping you from doing it.
So do it.
A lot of people are upset when OBS or Wirecast or StreamYard or any of the other million programs in this space have a feature that vMix doesn’t.
But you’re in here insisting that a feature that nobody has, that doesn’t exist within any affordable third party program, would be “VERY SIMPLE!!!!!!!!one!!!!!” to build in a not only low cost, but lightweight manner.
So do it.
And if it works as well as the competition, you’ll make bank selling it for even $20 for a lifetime license. And you’ll prove to the vMix team that it’s as simple as you say and that there’s demand for it.