will try although there is not much to breakdown unless on wants the details about the scoring and it's rules itself.
In General we use shortcuts and/or the web controller for quick and dirty updates lets say a simple add x points in a title field. data sources is not applicable here ( but are in the "classical" name title overlay )
Going a step further we can add some animation to the title based on values etc with some xaml/wpf codebehind there are a few examples of this in the forum) but other than that one is basically restricted to the start and stop animation.
IN this case the graphics didn't need a start/stop animation per se while during the use it was more sensible to have animations during data change to give the viewer a chance to "notice" where the changes were taking place even if it is in a subtle way.
Operation had to be quick , as you can see it's pretty fast pased at times and based on what the judge calls out. usability had to be from anywhere on the network (in this sport scoring is done ringside which not always corresponds to the vMix location.
SO why not add the specific formulas and error trapping in the process? (example in the first link when A,B,C,and D where awarded each min once B0 was automatically also awarded )
in the first example , an operator could only press the appropriate button (value) allowed at that moment in the scoring process
Furthermore the operation had to be simple, easy to correct and reset and look logical .
Did't want to be restricted on location or machine hence NDI seemed logical solution
so i build this "interface" to be fully standalone (scoring input means and graphical result ) in wpf.
with the help of the NDI SDK the graphical area was converted to a NDI source. A added bonus is the operator sees the graphical represention without the need for the video feedback etc. (very useful in this situation as the scores are vocally shouted out )
The vMix operator handles the displaying it part ( or incorporate a API signal to do this in the app )
operation wise i think a vid is worth a thousand words:
The videothe NDI source is transparent so green in second part is for contrast purpose here, of course resizing and positioning according to need
sorry one can not see the mouse movement of the operators screenshot so pay attention to the buttons color change
second part the buttons became in fact part of the design with added bonus the clicking on it gave it a bit of animation (in the app script those buttons are restricted to each be used 2 times max which also reflects in the red triangles associated with the values )
in first part one can see a yellow border which represents the frame that is converted into a NDI signal
all in all one basically only needs to design a representation and compile it using the code integration of the NDI SDK. So whatever effect you create in the wpf frame can become a vMix overlay
The NDI SDK has a nice basic example within
@Ice , as it is possible to design animated graphs in wpf based on values (or datasources) it is a small step to translate that in a NDI source for a vMix overlay
for the rest it"s all up to your imagination and incorporating formulas where needed and appropriate graphics/backgrounds , and while these are very specific to the job a bit of their universal use is lost a little ( while for the second example changing the point values in the code and recompile is just part of the preparation of the event)
hope I didn't make it sound more complex then it is
in short , anything you do in a "NDI" frame in your wpf code can be your title
BTW this was editing for recording only in vMix ;-)
EDIT PS: fun fact : while the "frame" is 1920 x 1080 in the app it doesn't take up that amount of space :-)