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Video remains paused on completion
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Hello, I'm trying to mix some videos in real-time and i have one long video always running in the background with smaller videos which i manually overlay at times. When they finish, they should disappear and show the background video but they just remain there paused in the last frame. I can achieve it manually, of course, but i would prefer it done automatically. I tried with different 'onCompletion' triggers but to no avail.
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@ ionitzabong
I think you are expecting a behavior that doesn't happen automatically. When using the videos as "Overlays", the 'Trigger' function will not engage, it only applies to the actual active "Input", not the active "Overlay". Outside of using 'Scripts' to automate your mixing, you may have to consider setting things up differently to get the results you want, such as timing your "Overlay" to match the length of the video clip within "Triggers", which might be considerably more trouble than relying on the automatic completion of a video clip, but it will work. Alternatively, you might look at more creative ways to get the effect you want, like maybe using a couple "List" inputs that contain your videos, create a "Virtual Input" of each list. With the "MultiView" feature, add your background looping clip as "Overlay 1" and the "Virtual Input" of that "List" as "Overlay 2" (make sure not to tick "Automatically Play Next Item"). Now, the "Triggers" function will work for that video clip once it finishes playing (i.e. "On Completion" fade to looping BG Input). Do the same for the other list and you will always return to your looping clip, ready to start your next video. You could then set things up with a "Playlist" to further automate the process, it's actually quite amazing what you can accomplish if you put a little thought into it!
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IceStream wrote:@ ionitzabong
I think you are expecting a behavior that doesn't happen automatically. When using the videos as "Overlays", the 'Trigger' function will not engage, it only applies to the actual active "Input", not the active "Overlay". Outside of using 'Scripts' to automate your mixing, you may have to consider setting things up differently to get the results you want, such as timing your "Overlay" to match the length of the video clip within "Triggers", which might be considerably more trouble than relying on the automatic completion of a video clip, but it will work. Alternatively, you might look at more creative ways to get the effect you want, like maybe using a couple "List" inputs that contain your videos, create a "Virtual Input" of each list. With the "MultiView" feature, add your background looping clip as "Overlay 1" and the "Virtual Input" of that "List" as "Overlay 2" (make sure not to tick "Automatically Play Next Item"). Now, the "Triggers" function will work for that video clip once it finishes playing (i.e. "On Completion" fade to looping BG Input). Do the same for the other list and you will always return to your looping clip, ready to start your next video. You could then set things up with a "Playlist" to further automate the process, it's actually quite amazing what you can accomplish if you put a little thought into it!
Ice Thank you for the reply. However, i did not understand much and got even more confused. Let's put it a different way: what is the easiest way to achieve an automatic transition from the overlay to the background video?
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@ ionitzabong
Sorry, I can be somewhat longwinded at times... AFAIK, there is no "easy" way to automatically transition an Overlay out (aside from a 'Cut' which is what the 'OverlayOff' command does in 'Triggers') The procedures I describe above will work, they just have to be set up properly. If you would like me to explain in a more detailed 'Step by Step' fashion let me know and I can try to be less confusing. The bottom line is, what you want to achieve is most likely possible, it just might not be as straight forward as you would like (at least not yet).
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A work around may be to design your overlay clips with one second of video at the end containing a period in the corner with 100% transparency applied to it.
The video will still be pausing at the end but the overlay would essentially be overlaying nothing.
not all that elegant but functional.
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you can use the trigger onoverlayin, delay = duration of the clip, overlaynumberout
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OK, I stand corrected. Thanks dark_ata, I was not aware of the "OverlayInput#Out" function, it will transition out with the preset transition for that 'Overlay' channel. So, to clarify, the first method I allude to above in using 'timed' overlays, as per dark_ata's suggestion, requires a three step process.
1. Confirm the length of your desired video clip for Overlay 2. In Background Video Input, set up in "Triggers": OnTransitionIn / OverlayInput#In / Input (desired video) / Duration (n/a) / Delay (milliseconds to hold before action) 3. Add a second Trigger: OnTransitionIn / OverlayInput#Out / Input (n/a) / Duration (n/a) / Delay (in milliseconds, the length of the video clip)
Also as indicated above, this would be a tedious process to set up for each video you had and probably not worth the effort if you are doing this continually, but the point is, it can be done. The second method I describe would be much better for doing this by relying on the "OnCompletion" function for each video.
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Post edited, didn't see the newer replies.
I only need to do the set-up once, for around 20 videos, so it's not really a problem if the process is tedious as it will not need updates. I tried following your latest instructions IceStream, but it didn't work.
I'm trying this using 2 sample videos, one is an hour long, the other is 1min 2sec. I haven't found any options to choose as to which video is background and which is overlay, so how does the software differentiate between them? Then, i noticed there are functions only for overlay1-4? Does it mean i can only do this for 4 overlays? For the first trigger: Delay (milliseconds to hold before action), i'm not sure what number to input here. For the second trigger: Delay (in milliseconds, the length of the video clip), how accurate this has to be?
Thanks again!
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ionitzabong wrote: So there is an easy way to do it :) Could you explain a bit how to do it with the 'OverlayOff' command? I would appreciate it.
I thought I kinda did that, lol... And, in your situation, I don't think it's all that easy to implement overall. Never-the-less, the "OverlayInput#Off" command or function in "Triggers" turns off the overlay in question with an abrupt "Cut", whereas, the "OverlayInput#Out" will transition the overlay out in the same manner that it is set up to transition In (fade, wipe, etc. as set-up with the master 'Overlay' settings Button at lower right of GUI). Once again, these "Triggers" need to be set up in the 'background video' Input and would need to be timed to match the length of the video clip you are overlaying. I wouldn't recommend doing it this way as you will have to be constantly setting and re-setting it up for each video. If you are intent on doing this in an automated fashion with multiple videos, if I have understood you correctly, then I would try to do it with the "MultiView" and "Virtual Input" suggestion I made above. The set-up is more elaborate to start, but the functionality in the end is far more conducive to what you are attempting. I would be happy to work out a Step-by-step procedure if need be, it's really not that complex once you understand how to do it. Ice
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I very rarely give up on a piece of software, but this one has one of the most hostile interfaces i've come across. I tried interpreting your instructions, but nothing worked. http://imgur.com/7YzlkDhI'm not even sure this software is capable of doing this task, i'll look elsewere for now. Thanks for the help.
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Sorry to hear that ionitzabong, from what you describe about your requirements, I was able to accomplish overlaying a video and once it completed transition back to the BG video automatically (using the MultiView/Virtual Input method I first presented) as well as using a timed "Overlay" as described with "Triggers". From the image you present of your "Triggers" set-up, I would expect that the "SAMPLE-playSD.mkv" input will be overlayed 1/10th of a second after you transition to the Input for which the Trigger is set (I assume your BG Video Input). 68 seconds later, the overlay should transition out (revealing the original Input for which the "Trigger" was set, i.e. your BG Video). What was the behavior you saw?
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IceStream wrote:Sorry to hear that ionitzabong, from what you describe about your requirements, I was able to accomplish overlaying a video and once it completed transition back to the BG video automatically (using the MultiView/Virtual Input method I first presented) as well as using a timed "Overlay" as described with "Triggers". From the image you present of your "Triggers" set-up, I would expect that the "SAMPLE-playSD.mkv" input will be overlayed 1/10th of a second after you transition to the Input for which the Trigger is set (I assume your BG Video Input). 6.8 seconds later, the overlay should transition out (revealing the original Input for which the "Trigger" was set, i.e. your BG Video). What was the behavior you saw?
Ice Using the setup from the posted image, nothing happened, the overlay remains paused forever. What does "BG video" mean?
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@ ionitzabong
BG video = Background video
Let's try and figure out why it's not working for you... It sounds to me like you might have set-up the "Trigger" in the wrong Input.
This should be what you've done to set things up:
You have 2 video Inputs, Video 1 (BG Video) and Video 2 (SAMPLE-playSD.mkv). You set up the "Trigger" feature as illustrated in your image for Video 1 (clicking the cog wheel of the BG video Input). The resulting behavior will be that when you transition to Video 1, Video 2 will almost immediately transition IN as 'Overlay 1' (100 milliseconds or 1/10th of a second in) and play for 68000 milliseconds and then transition OUT.
If you set-up the "Trigger" in Video 2, then essentially it's overlaying on itself, so when it's done 68 seconds later it transitions OUT to itself and stays on screen indefinitely or until you transition to another Input. The key thing to watch for is whether the "Overlay" button comes on and turns off in this scenario, which will indicate that the "Trigger" function is working properly, you just have it on the wrong Input.
The Interface may seem to be "Counter-Intuitive" until you understand exactly what's going on and then it all makes perfect sense, it's actually very logical, the problem is, we sometimes get ahead of ourselves and expect the computer to keep up to our way of thinking, unfortunately, computers are dumb and need to be told exactly what to do and probably why Martin has set things up the way he has, it's very methodical and practical, you just have to keep it all in perspective and realize what "layer" is being applied where, once you grasp that you will begin to see the real power that is built into vMix. You will also see how impractical it will be to set-up your videos with this type of "timed" overlay trigger. (I still recommend using a "List" with "MultiView" as described earlier, but it requires a better understanding of the software and it's feature set to implement properly) I would really like to see this work for you (as I know it can), I'm just trying to understand why it's not working for you.
If this is not the case, then please explain what you've done step by step.
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First of all thank you for taking your time to help me out with this. IceStream wrote:@ ionitzabong
You have 2 video Inputs, Video 1 (BG Video) and Video 2 (SAMPLE-playSD.mkv). You set up the "Trigger" feature as illustrated in your image for Video 1 (clicking the cog wheel of the BG video Input). The resulting behavior will be that when you transition to Video 1, Video 2 will almost immediately transition IN as 'Overlay 1' (100 milliseconds or 1/10th of a second in) and play for 68000 milliseconds and then transition OUT.
Did you mean when i transition from Video 1 to Video 2? The trigger was applied to Video 1, so no mistake here. I'll explain further, because i'm sure i am making a mistake somewhere. So, i have Video 1 which is over 1 hour long and Video 2 which is 1min 9sec, i don't know exactly in miliseconds so i figured it's ok to apply the trigger for 1min 8sec. I haven't quite understood what the 100 miliseconds is for. So i play Video 1 then i press on Video 2 on the "1" button (turn on this input as overlay1). I tried to play it with quickplay also. I view it with Fullscreen - Output (tried as well the other outputs) and still it does nothing...
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ionitzabong wrote:
Did you mean when i transition from Video 1 to Video 2?
No. The "Trigger" feature is a way to "automate" certain actions or behaviours every time you transition to that Input. In this case, the action is 'triggered' whenever you transition to Video 1, namely, the action of overlaying Video 2. ('OnTransitionIn' refers to Video 1) The 100 milliseconds is the 'Delay' before that action takes place. If you set that to 3000, Video 1 would play for 3 seconds before Video 2 automatically 'Overlays' and plays. There is no need for you to manually activate or overlay Video 2, it should automatically be triggered to overlay every time you transition to Video 1 with this 'Trigger' set-up. (again, this would prove to be a pain, continually having to re-adjust every time you wanted to play another video, but once you understand the mechanics of it and get this to work, it will be easier to explain what I think is the best way to set this up). Ice
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Maybe i am misunderstanding how this works but i'm only trying to achieve an automatic transition from Video 2 to Video 1, the initial transition from Video 1 to Video 2 will be made manually.
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@ ionitzabong
I know, and why I suggest setting up a "List" Input with 'MultiView' and a Virtual Input... It will work awesome for you, automatically transitioning back to Video 1 once Video 2 completes, but I'm not sure you've grasped the workflow of vMix yet and I don't want to confuse and frustrate you further. I can try to itemize a step-by-step procedure, but somehow my attempts to get the above "Trigger" to work for you has not been very fruitful yet so I am hesitant to take the next step.
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IceStream wrote:@ ionitzabong
I know, and why I suggest setting up a "List" Input with 'MultiView' and a Virtual Input... It will work awesome for you, automatically transitioning back to Video 1 once Video 2 completes, but I'm not sure you've grasped the workflow of vMix yet and I don't want to confuse and frustrate you further. I can try to itemize a step-by-step procedure, but somehow my attempts to get the above "Trigger" to work for you has not been very fruitful yet so I am hesitant to take the next step.
Ice Ok, let's try the 'MultiView' option, if you still have the patience :) I'll give it my best to make it work.
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How many videos for overlay do you have? We can try one set-up for all or just a modest set-up with 3 or 4 to grasp the concept.
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@ ionitzabong
Here goes:
1 - add your BG Video as its own Input. 2 - add a “List” Input and add your desired Overlay Videos to it . Rename it to “List 1” or something appropriate (cog wheel/General/Name ) 3- right click the “List 1” Input screen and click “Edit Items” in the pop-up window. Make sure the “Automatically Play Next Item” box is not ticked and close out. 4 - right click the cog wheel of the “List 1” Input and create a Virtual Input of it (Rename it if so desired to ‘Overlay Clips 1’ or something that will keep you organized) 5 - left click the cog wheel of the “List 1” Input and open the ‘MultiView’ window. 6 - add your BG Video to Channel 1 (from the drop down list) Note: This will hide the desired Overlay Video clip and why you need the Virtual Input and really the “magic” that allows this to work for you. 7 - Navigate to the “Triggers” window of that same “List 1” Input. 8 - set up Trigger: OnTransitionIn / OverlayInput1 / Virtual-Overlay Clips 1 / 0 (or Delay as desired) And “Add” to top of list 9 – set-up second Trigger: OnCompletion / OverlayInput1Out / And “Add” to the list 10 - TEST “QuickPlay” the BG Video Input. When ready to play first Video Overlay, “QuickPlay” the “List 1” Input. The first video in your List should immediately appear and play, as soon as it completes it should transition out revealing the BG Video (but in reality you are still watching the “List 1” Input , so you’ll need to transition back to the BG Video before attempting to play the next video, you could also set-up a third "Trigger" to do this a few seconds after the Overlay transitions Out, but I'm more interested in getting the initial requested effect to work for you first). You’ll be able to select the next video to Overlay by right clicking the “List 1” Input screen and selecting the video you want and it will play the next time you transition to the "List 1" Input.
Hopefully this is clear enough for you, let me know how if you have any issues.
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Video remains paused on completion
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