I am looking for a live video mixer with transition, title and overlay capabilities for my LED video wall.
I found the nice "Fullscreen" feature of VMix that seems very helpful for LED video walls.
With the "Fullscreen"-feature I can defined an output window with exact position and size on my desktop.
My video wall has the size 768 x 640 and that is not an standard video resolution and don't have the ratio 16:9 or 4:3.
To see the quality and handling of the "Fullscreen" output I create an output with video and embedded image and text.
I used the setting:
--> Output Size: 768 x 576
--> Output Aspect Ratio: Normal
--> Fullscreen Position: 100 100 768 640
--> Preview Size: Auto
--> Input Size: 208 x 156 ???
I use three inputs:
--> Videofile Wildlife.wmv (from Windows 7)
--> TickerHD.xaml from vMix (Overlay 1)
--> A xaml file generated from vMix Title Designer (Overlay 2)
There is an image and text embedded.
I see follow problem:
In the Output window of the mainscreen and in the Fullscreen window the video is ok.
The image, the text and the ticker text in the Output window of the mainscreen are also rendered clean.
But not in the Fullscreen window. The text are not really clean and also the image contains artefacts.
It seem the output is original rendered for 768 x 576 and then scaled to 768 x 640 for the Fullscreen window?
I attached two screenshot that shows the both Output windows.
What can I do to get also a clean rendered output in Fullscreen window?
I assume if I could change the Output size to 768 x 576 that will fix the problem, but there are only predefined sizes available.
quinte attached the following image(s):
(1,001kb) downloaded 38 time(s). FullscreenOutput.PNG
(736kb) downloaded 37 time(s).You cannot view/download attachments. Try to login or register.