Originally Posted by: Highway20Productions 
Having only two "Full SCreen" options is not really even my gripe. It is letting us only pick from the first "4", found by enumerating the monitor positions, from left to right, top to bottom. They are clearly enumerating the monitor list to do this. Why not let me pick my two full screen options from the 7 available. There is no performance issue here, as we still only are using two full screen.
My guess, and this is only a guess, is that they set the limit to 4 back when there was, for whatever reason, cause to have a limit of 4.
Maybe 4 was more than anyone was using at the time. Maybe there were actually performance reasons that have since been mitigated.
Then they just never revisited it.
There are some things, like the request for more Outputs, that are constantly at the forefront.
There are others, like this one, that only come up every once in a while, because there still aren't that many people running into this issue.
I made a Feature Request a little bit ago that got absolutely no traction, asking that they expand the "AddInput" shortcut, because it hadn't really been touched since it was introduced like 10+ years ago, despite multiple new input types (Zoom, Mix, Output, Preview) being added since that are just one click adds & perfect for the shortcut.
I think they probably have their use cases, which they incorporate, and for everything else, they rely on the community to tell them what does or doesn't work, rather than maintaining a list of every limit that they've imposed that they then check against as tech changes/improves.
And anything niche, like this, falls by the wayside, because it's not something they run into & it's not something that the community keeps bringing up.
But, again, that's only a guess.