@ Duff TV
You can't mark in and out points until your replay is saved to your hard drive as a video clip, which can take longer than your 10 seconds of celebration.
You have to think of "instant replay" as video delay which can be very tricky to manipulate "on the fly", unless, of course, you have ample time to wait for the clip to be saved and you can use it as you please.
Some of the things you are attempting are possible in "Program Out" but not in "Preview". As soon as you go to air with the delay you are giving it a start and end point (similar to hitting save) which means you can pause and scrub back and forth through that section of 'delay' as long as it is on air.
But you can't do that in "Preview" since the start and end points are continuously advancing through time. You can alter the "play head" of the 'delay', i.e. how many seconds back in time of your 'window of delay', but you can't pause it.
Of course, if you don't set up your delay to save as a video clip, as soon as you take that section of 'delay' off air, it's gone and you can never get it back!
The trick to managing it is in timing...
Figure out exactly how much time you have or need to do the "Instant Replay".
In my case, I mostly do Ice Hockey games and I have about a 20-25 second window to do it.
I set up my 'delay' to about 13 seconds.
I allow 5 to 8 seconds of celebration after a goal and then transition to my 'delay' input.
(I have also built in a trigger to save the delay as a clip for future use)
This brings me to about 5 or 6 seconds before the goal and I play it back at 50% speed (i.e. 10 seconds of slow motion instant replay).
I then transition back to live action with a few seconds to spare before the puck drops.
By this time, the video clip is close to being saved to hard disk or already done (I have not paid too close attention to this other than to know it takes longer to save than the window of time I have).
Your situation may be different, but as long as you know how much time back your delay is, you can always time it to come in at the right time.
Here is a sample of how I do it:
Let me know how you make out.