vManager is used to create the list of content each day.
The schedule starts at a set time and runs until the last item in the list is finished.
The files can be saved in Xml format to be edited or aired later.
vController is the brain of the whole operation.
It's responsible for automating events at the right times.
Together, these two programs make up the vScheduler 24x7 System.
Video: Schedule video file(s).
Audio: Schedule audio file(s).
Image: Schedule image file(s).
This is useful when you have to fill some time until your next event is scheduled.
Photos: Schedule a photos folder,
The pictures from the folder will be presented as a slide-show.
PowerPoint: Schedule a PowerPoint presentation,
The slides from the PPT will be presented as a slide-show.
Manual: This won't do anything, So vMix is free for Manual operation.
Schedule "Manual mode" whenever you want to do live shows.
Colour: This will show a colour image,
again useful for clean transitions into live shows.
I/P|LIST: Use a Single Input or a List from vMix.
XAML|GT: Add Xaml/GT (gtxml/gtzip) files (used as Overlays).
R. I/P: Remove/Reset/Restart any available vMix Input.
Overlay (1-4) (In/Off/Out/Zoom/Toggle): Activate/Deactivate already added Overlay I/P in vMix.
Overlay All Off: Immediately switch Off all the Overlays.
Set InputMultiView: Set Overlay in InputMultiView.
InputMultiView Toggle/On/Off: Toggle/On/Off InputMultiView Overlay.
Preset: Open/Save/Last vMix Preset
Stream: Streaming Toggle/Start/Stop.
External: External Output Toggle/Start/Stop.
Record: Recording Toggle/Start/Stop.
MultiCorder: MultiCorder Toggle/Start/Stop.
FullScreen: FullScreen Toggle/On/Off.
Snapshot: Create a snapshot image of the current Output.
Set O/P: Change what is displayed on the different Outputs.
Script: Start/Stop/Stop All vMix Scripts.
Dynamic Script: Start/Stop a Dynamic Script.
Key Press: Press a Keyboard shortcut key,
Which is configured in vMix Shortcuts to perform the particular function.
Set Image: Change Image in XAML/GT/Title Input.
Title Preset: Change the Title Preset of XAML/GT/Title Input
Set Text: Change Text in XAML/GT/Title Input.
Text Colour: Change Colour of Text in XAML/GT/Title Input.
Set I/P Name: Set the Display Name of the Input
CountDown: Add a Countdown timer to an upcoming event time to Display in vMix.
PlayList: Start/Stop a fully configured PlayList in vMix.
Data Source: Change DataSource Row
NDI: Change NDI Source by Index or by Name from the available NDI Inputs
Video Call: Change VideoCall Return Feed (To Guest): Video/Audio Source
Browser: Web Browser Functions
NOTE: All the above functions are version dependent,
Please refer your vMix version Help file, If all the functions works for you.
for vMix 26: